Accompany executives on business
missions, trade shows or meetings

“Finding good partners is the key to success in anything: in business, in marriage and, especially, in investing.”

--Robert Kiyosaki

Everyday the world gets smaller and smaller, leading to an ever-increasing level of cross-border business. What the modern international executive is discovering though, especially where developing countries are concerned, is that there isn`t always an adequate level of language skills or international experience. Add to this the often limited understanding of cultural differences and you come face to face with innumerous misunderstandings that most often lead to the breakdown of negotiations and the loss of potential business.

With this service, our representatives accompany executives on business trips and facilitate meetings or negotiations, especially where translation between Portuguese/Afrikaans/English is needed. Apart from accompanying the executive, we can also assist in the planning of business missions or creation of packages for attending trade shows.